Graduate Learning Centre

About Us

Graduate Learning Centre was founded in 2022. the main reason the company was founded were to help students make connections between what they are doing in class and what they are supposed to learn. Reducing anxiety of students who are behind or uncomfortable with where they are in the subject. To have a supplementary income to offset expenses.


To help students realise and achieve their goals.

What We Offer

  • Providing supplementary service to assist students who are weak or in assistance of strengthening their grades for examinations. Academic writing and formatting of Thesis papers.
  • Services are CSEC Social Studies and Caribbean History and CAPE Caribbean Studies, Communication and Sociology subjects.
  • Academic writing at the tertiary level for research papers and formatting of papers using A.P.A. or MLA. Research in various areas of focus.

Contact Information

Renee Ramdial
Email address:

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